Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mother comes back to life for baby

This is such a great story about the infant-mother-father bond.  Click on my title for the rest of the story.

Mother, baby revived after dying in labor

Doctors baffled by mom’s cardiac arrest, recovery after Christmas Eve birth

updated 5:08 a.m. PT, Wed., Dec . 30, 2009
DENVER - Mike Hermanstorfer was clutching his pregnant wife’s hand when her life slipped away in a Colorado hospital on Christmas Eve, and then he cradled his newborn son’s limp body seconds after a medical team delivered the baby by Cesarean section.
Minutes later he saw his son come to life in his arms under the feverish attention of doctors, and soon he learned his wife had inexplicably come back to life.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Sugar Sweeteners

There is so much speculation in sugar substitutes so I thought I would delve in to the topic and do a little research of my own.  Here is what I found:

  • switching from white sugar to brown sugar adds iron to your diet (based on the addition of molasses)
  • sucralose, which is derived from common table sugar, has zero calories BUT has many speculating it's toxicity and safety for consumption
  • xylitol is a natural sugar derived from fruit and vegetables and has 40% less calories than regular sugar...also MAY prevent tooth decay, most information I found shows little side effects 
  • saccharin...I would say don't use...too toxic
  • aspartame is bad, very bad
  • stevia I would say is safer than the FDA's been around for thousands of years and is a better alternative to regular sugar
So in conclusion, I would say that sugar substitutes are not all bad but maybe eating less sugar is the best alternative:) 

Mommy Bridget

    The Driving Mrs.

    Just a little stats for your pleasure:

    Traffic Violations Men Versus Women by

    Traffic violations:
    ViolationsViolation ratio, males vs. females
    Reckless driving
    Seat belt violations
    Failure to yield
    Stop sign/signal violations

    Saturday, December 26, 2009

    Merry Merry Christmas

    Sorry I'm a little late...had the holiday flu blues but now I'm back in action.  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas...

    Mommy Bridget

    Thursday, December 24, 2009

    Health Care Reform Bill Passes House

    Okay okay, I know that there is good and bad to this historic universal healthcare reform bill that recently passed the house this morning but may I just say...

    I am thrilled and honored to be a part of this historic piece of US history!  I commend Barack Obama for actually doing something about the US healthcare debacle and whether or not this is the right choice, at least it is a change from the current status and it gives me hope in the individual we have chosen to lead our country who makes the changes we have so long cried out for.
    Sick: The Untold Story of America's Health Care Crisis---and the People Who Pay the Price

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, December 22, 2009

    Snow Day

    We have snow a coming our way...we now have a break from the bad air.  What a wonderful day!!!
    Mommy Bridget

    Monday, December 21, 2009

    Bad Air, Go Away!

    Has anyone been outside in Salt Lake the past few days and seen the air?  Disgusting.  I knew this past week it was coming...the forecast predicted it, my chest was beginning to feel tight, and the air appeared mucky more and more each day.  But yesterday as I drove a quick errand, the air appeared in a worse of state as ever.

    Pulling out of my driveway, it looked overcast and dreary.  But as I headed west through the roads, the air was congestive.  A thick fog descended onto the car holding my healthy family and our eyes grew wide.  I have never seen anything like it.  It was very depressing to say...THE LEAST.

    My nose has been running for the past few days, my running has been postponed, and my son has had to do with play indoors.  When are we going to take the state of our environment seriously?  Why are plants emitting SO2 continuing to run?  How about enforcing stricker guidlines for emissions for vehicles in use or energy plants running 24/7 not only here in Salt Lake but in areas such as LA that release the most emissions into the air that leads to Salt Lake and eastward?  There are so many simple steps to reduce our emissions into the air we breathe.

    It's got to stop!  Please support me in taking action to clean the air our children breathe.  Go to and join the group, voice your opinion, and educate yourself. 

    Thank you,

    Mommy Bridget

    p.s. Jess, we look forward to heading up your way this morning for some fresh mountain air and good company:)

    Thursday, December 17, 2009

    Repower America

    If you have time and care about cleaner energy, please check out

    Use your voice!

    Mommy Bridget

    Added benefit to "greening" your home

    Did you know that there is government financing available for those of you who want to make energy saving home improvements?  How cool is that!

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, December 15, 2009

    Breastmilk reduces risk of child developing hypertention later in life

    For moms of newborns. Studies have shown that babies who are breast­fed for more than 12 months have a dramatically reduced risk of de­velop­ing hypertension. Researchers believe long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (the same found in fatty fish) in breast milk provide a protective ef­fect for newborns.

    [21], Lack of Breastfeeding in Infancy Linked to High Blood Pressure as an Adult, (Accessed 9/28/08)

    Very cool!  I hope that in continuing breastfeeding my son will protect him from this and so much more...

    Mommy Bridget

    Baking Soda to the Rescue!

    I found some interesting information on the value of Sodium Bicarbonate...or Baking Soda!  Information shows that it can help with colds, flus, and even cancer!

    Crazy or not so crazy?

    Mommy Bridget

    Sunday, December 13, 2009


    A friend passed this web site along to me yesterday and thought I would pass it along to you.  I searched through it for a few minutes and found it to be a great source.  You can buy and sell used baby/kid items as well as find a local nanny or mother's helper with profiles, background checks, and pricing.

    Check out the web site at the link below or click on the title of this posting:

    Mommy Bridget

    Saturday, December 12, 2009

    "Former Alaska governor says Obama should boycott Copenhagen summit"

    In regards to Sarah Palin's message in the Wednesday issue of the Washington Daily Post, I would like to extend to her my very public opinion by saying I now view her as an ignorant, absent minded not to mention typical lazy American.

    Thanks for helping me make my mind on whether or not I respect you for what you do for our country and our earth!

    Mommy Bridget

    Friday, December 11, 2009

    Kids Clothing Company

    While Christmas shopping at Fashion Place Mall in Salt Lake I came across a kiosk selling super cute children's clothing worth mentioning.

    It's called the Persnickity Clothing Company and the clothes are made locally in Provo.  And even better, for every piece of clothing purchased they donate an item to a child in need.

    Check them out at

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, December 8, 2009

    Snowy Sniffles

    I found a great web site that references power foods and their ORAC values.  Since traveling over the weekend, my son and I both have a bit of a cold virus and since what we eat plays a vital role in where this virus will go, I thought it relevant to search the foods that will aid in fighting it.

    Did you know that eating sugar and grains can fuel viruses and plays more havoc on your immune system?  I didn't and just found it out in one of Dr. Mercola's articles (of course).  So I guess all the lollipops I bribed my son with on the plane probably wasn't the best choice:)

    Have a wonderful (snowy if in Utah) day!  It's dumping powdery snow here and it's beautiful!  Perfect day for holiday decorating!!!

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, December 1, 2009

    Cosmetics cause an increase of cancer

    And yet we find another product on the market shelves that has shown to cause cancer...

    County Health Concerns for my Child?

    I received a courteous call on my cell phone yesterday regarding my was from the Salt Lake County health dept. calling to "remind" me that my son's record doesn't show that he is "current" on his vaccinations.

    I wonder who paid for this "courteous" call? 

    Not surprised,
    Mommy Bridget

    Monday, November 30, 2009

    Homeade Cleaners

    I love my homeade, non-toxic all-purpose cleaner I use for my kitchen and bathroom!  Not only does it work better than other all-purpose cleaners on the market shelves but it's very inexpensive, safe to breathe, and it smells really refreshing. 

    My all-purpose cleaner recipe is:

    10 drops of eucaplyptus oil
    10 drops of tea tree oil
    1/3 cup distilled white vinegar
    a few drops of liquid soap (I like the Meyer's brand from Whole foods)
    hot water

    I put this all in a used spray bottle and shake it well.  I use this on my granite, stove top, refrigerator, you name it!


    Mommy Bridget

    Sunday, November 29, 2009

    "A" for Effort

    I love this short article from Dr. Mercola's newsletter with regards to childrens learning capabilities and achievements in effort. 

    I always wondered why my own father continued to praise not my academic achievement during adolescence but my effort in doing so.

    I love you Dad!

    Mommy Bridget

    The Secret to Raising Smart Kids
    Posted by: Dr. Mercola
    December 22 2007 | 52,674 views

    smart child, kids, intelligence, IQ, raising children, good parenting, self esteem, building self confidenceMore than three decades of scientific research suggests that repeatedly telling children that they are especially smart or talented leaves them vulnerable to failure, and fearful of challenges.
    Children raised this way develop an implicit belief that intelligence is innate and fixed, making striving to learn seem less important than seeming smart; challenges, mistakes, and effort become threats to their ego rather than opportunities to improve.
    However, teaching children to have a “growth mind-set,” which encourages effort rather than on intelligence or talent, helps make them into high achievers in school and in life. This results in “mastery-oriented” children who tend to think that intelligence is malleable and can be developed through education and hard work.
    This can be done by telling stories about achievements that result from hard work. Talking about math geniuses who were born that way puts students in a fixed mind-set, but descriptions of great mathematicians who developed amazing skills over time creates a growth mind-set.

      Scientific American November 28, 2007

    Friday, November 27, 2009

    Note on Black Friday

    After this morning's shopping event, I had to remark on my discoveries:

    Not only did I find some good grocery deals on Thanksgiving type foods, or discount DVD's in the comedic genre, but what I seemed to be most successful in finding and not much to my surprise was a lot of crazed and rude people...most of all me.

    Message of the day:  Don't mess with a mom!
    Happy shopping!!!
    Mommy Bridget

    Black Friday

    What is "Black Friday" supposed to mean anyways?  It's 6:45am and I'm starting to feel the media induced pressure to start planning my morning of which stores to invade and what to purchase.  Damn they do a good job convincing you to shop!

    I'll let you know what I find.  Wish me luck!  Or wish our bank account luck...

    Mommy Bridget

    Thursday, November 26, 2009

    Happy to Give Thanks

    I've always been a fan of celebrating what we are thankful for and celebrating with family and friends in an environment of yummy foods and cheers.

    So with respect to today's American holiday, I am thankful for my wonderful family and friends and for all that we have been so blessed with.

    What are you thankful for?

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Mommy Bridget

    Wednesday, November 25, 2009

    Bis-A in canned foods

    I've been hearing and reading a lot of information lately on the dangers of Bis-A in canned foods (of all places) so I thought I would look into the news. Below is a little of what I found:  

    Bisphenol A in Canned Food: Consumer Reports Tests Reveal Widespread Contamination

    Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical which has been linked to reproductive abnormalities, increased risk of breast and prostate cancers, diabetes, and heart disease, has been restricted in some states and entirely in Canada due to the associated health concerns. Concerns about the chemical in food containers, plastic bottles, and toys have been increasingly discussed and debated over the past few years as the Food and Drug Administration decides what a "safe" level of exposure to BPA might be. This month, Consumer Reports published the results of their latest tests of canned foods, including soups, juice, tuna, and green beans of 19 name-brand foods. Their tests found that almost all contain measurable levels of BPA, including those labeled “organic” and in some foods labeled “BPA-free."

    The results are reported in the December 2009 issue of Consumer Reports, available free online.

    Just a little something to think about...

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, November 24, 2009

    Turkey, thanks!

    What do you think about PETA's ad? What the little girl comments about most turkey farms is true. Maybe it's an awakening to be more conscious of what you eat this holiday season...I myself picked up a turkey from Whole Foods. I'm sure my little guy didn't have much of a better life than any other turkey from a farm. Michael Pollan has written a lot about the truths in food farms. I recommend his eye opening page turners.

    Mommy Bridget

    Sunday, November 22, 2009

    Calling all Sales!

    I found a great little web site that sells last year's designs for children and Mommas at discount prices.

    Check it out.

    Saturday, November 21, 2009

    "Positive Parenting"

    A friend forwarded these principles to me. I printed them out and posted then on my refrigerator as a daily reminder.  I feel that by following points such as the one below clearly establishes positive behavior from your child.
    Thanks Jess for forwarding these to me!

    Mommy Bridget

    Dr. Latham’s Principles of Positive Parenting

      1. Seize opportunities to have frequent positive interactions with your children.

      1. Clearly establish and communicate expectations.

      1. Clearly establish and dispense consequences.

      1. Ignore behaviors which do not threaten the basic quality of life, limb, and property.

      1. Attend to inappropriate behavior unemotionally, precisely, directly, and instructionally.

      1. Do not question a non-compliant child about his or her behavior, or ask them to explain their behavior.

      1. Use the inappropriate behavior of one child as a cue to attend to the appropriate behavior of other children.

      1. Smile and laugh, talk and touch – a lot!

      1. Assess behavior analytically and treat it clinically.

      1. Do what it takes to keep your marriage strong and happy – this is the foundation for the success of the whole family.

    Friday, November 20, 2009

    Power to the Probiotic!

    I found another benefit of taking probiotics...recent research suggests a link between intestinal health, inflammation, and asthma.  Below is a link to an article suggesting such.
    So for those who suffer from asthma...take a probiotic with 6-8 billion organisms per dose and take on an empty stomach.  Might as well try!

    Mommy Bridget

    Thursday, November 19, 2009

    WATCH worst toy list of 2009

    Click on the title of this post or copy and paste the link below into your web browser for WATCH's worst safety toy list.

    Mommy Bridget

    Swine Flu Vaccine Questionable Worldwide

    Can you now guess at why the hype over the swine flu?  Can you say "big pharma"?

    Mommy Bridget

    Wednesday, November 18, 2009

    Help Keep your Child's Immune System Strong

    If any of you are worried about potential flu threats to your wee ones and the inability to protect them, there is good news!  There ARE things you can do help protect your children from getting sick by making their immune system stronger.  Below are just a few tips:

    • probiotic supplement
    • healthy diet
    • sunshine!
    • water
    • make your home a smoke free zone
    • fight fungi (keep home mold free)
    • wash bedding once per week in hot water and put pillows in dust-proof zippered covers to keep away asthma-triggering dust mites
    • wash floors and windowsills weekly with warm soapy water to protect kids from lead
    • keep home pest free without using pesticides
    • cut out chemical cleaning products
    • wash child's hands, bottles, and toys often!
    Good luck,

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, November 17, 2009

    Travel Tips

    I don't know about you but with the cold upon us I have the itch to travel.  I found an article on good travel tips with many good points I wasn't aware of.  For example:

    You can check out to quickly scan online airfares for the lowest prices.  Now if I could only figure out a way to get my family somewhere warm:)

    Happy travels,

    Mommy Bridget

    Sunday, November 15, 2009

    Strange fact of the day

    Did you know that it's illigal to snore in Massachusetts unless all of your windows and doors are shut and locked?


    My husband would be screwed. 

    Mommy Bridget

    Saturday, November 14, 2009

    Good Quote for a Saturday

    I came across this quote from the philanthropost and environmentalist Terea Heinz Kerry and thought it was great with regards to consumerism.

    Women control most of the dollars in this country.  If you see that something is harmful, stop buying it.  I promise you, things will change.

    Mommy Bridget

    Friday, November 13, 2009

    When to buy Organic

    I always forget what produce contains higher traces of agricultural chemicals and which ones are okay to purchase conventionally.  (I also have difficulty remembering which fish contain mercury in comparison to others but will save that for another posting.)  You can download a shopper's guide so you don't forget at the market.  Go to and download a free guide to your computer or phone for easy access. 

    According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and

    Most Contaminated: THE DIRTY DOZEN

    Consistent with two previous EWG investigations, fruits topped the list of the consistently most contaminated fruits and vegetables, with seven of the 12 most contaminated foods. The seven were peaches leading the list, then apples, nectarines and strawberries, cherries, and imported grapes, and pears. Among these seven fruits:
    • Nectarines had the highest percentage of samples test positive for pesticides (97.3 percent), followed by peaches (96.7 percent) and apples (94.1 percent).
    • Peaches had the highest likelihood of multiple pesticides on a single sample - 87.0 percent had two or more pesticide residues — followed by nectarines (85.3 percent) and apples (82.3 percent).
    • Peaches and apples had the most pesticides detected on a single sample, with nine pesticides on a single sample, followed by strawberries and imported grapes where eight pesticides were found on a single sample of each fruit.
    • Peaches had the most pesticides overall, with some combination of up to 53 pesticides found on the samples tested, followed by apples with 50 pesticides  and strawberries with 38.
    Sweet bell peppers, celery, kale, lettuce, and carrots are the vegetables most likely to expose consumers to pesticides. Among these five vegetables:
    • Celery had the highest of percentage of samples test positive for pesticides (94.1 percent), followed by sweet bell peppers (81.5 percent) and carrots (82.3 percent).
    • Celery also had the highest likelihood of multiple pesticides on a single vegetable (79.8 percent of samples), followed by sweet bell peppers (62.2 percent) and kale (53.1 percent).
    • Sweet bell peppers had the most pesticides detected on a single sample (11 found on one sample), followed by kale (10 found on one sample), then lettuce and celery (both with nine).
    • Sweet bell peppers were the vegetable with the most pesticides overall, with 64, followed by lettuce with 57 and carrots with 40.

    Least Contaminated: THE CLEAN FIFTEEN

    The vegetables least likely to have pesticides on them are onions, sweet corn, asparagus, sweet peas, cabbage, eggplant, broccoli, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes.
    • Over half of the tomatoes (53.1 percent), broccoli (65.2 percent), eggplant (75.4 percent), cabbage (82.1 percent), and sweet pea (77.1 percent) samples had no detectable pesticides. Among the other three vegetables on the least-contaminated list (asparagus, sweet corn, and onions), there were no detectable residues on 90 percent or more of the samples.
    • Multiple pesticide residues are extremely rare on any of these least contaminated vegetables. Tomatoes had the highest likelihood, with a 13.5 percent chance of more than one pesticide when ready to eat. Onions and corn both had the lowest chance with zero samples containing more than one pesticide.
    • The greatest number of pesticides detected on a single sample of any of these low-pesticide vegetables was five (as compared to 11 found on sweet bell peppers, the vegetable with the most residues on a single sample).
    • Broccoli had the most pesticides found on a single type of vegetable, with up to 28 pesticides, but far fewer than the most contaminated vegetable, sweet bell peppers, on which 64 were found.
    The fruits least likely to have pesticide residues on them are avocados, pineapples, mangoes, kiwi, papayas, watermelon and grapefruit.
    •  Fewer than 10 percent of pineapple, mango, and avocado samples had detectable pesticides on them, and fewer than one percent of samples had more than one pesticide residue.
    • Though 54.5 percent of grapefruit had detectable pesticides, multiple residues are less common, with only 17.5 percent of samples containing more than one residue. Watermelon had residues on 28.1 percent of samples, and just 9.6 percent had multiple pesticide residues.

    Thursday, November 12, 2009

    Cinnamonny goodness

    Did you know cinnamon can help you lose weight?  According to Self magazine's article, 8 Foods that Combat Fat:   

    This spice could make your waistline nice. Sprinkling ¼ teaspoon on your food may prevent a post-meal insulin spike—this increase normally occurs after you eat and “signals the body that it should store fat rather than burn it,” explains Lauren Slayton, R.D., of New York City. Add a dash to your oatmeal, yogurt or coffee. 
    I sprinkled some cinnamon in my coffee with Silk Vanilla creamer this morning and it was delish!!!

    Mommy Bridget

    Wednesday, November 11, 2009

    Swedish Parental Security

    I've heard of the wonderful governmental laws/benefits in Sweden in regards to maternity/paternity leave and so I thought I would research it myself.  After reviewing...all I can ask is, "when can I move?"

    Below summarizes the benefits:

    Social security and insurance                                         

    Family and maternity benefits
    Maternity benefit
    If your work is physically taxing and you are unable to carry out your duties because you are pregnant, you can ask to be transferred to a different position. If this is not possible or if there are risks in the working environment, you may be entitled to a maternity allowance from 60 days prior to your anticipated confinement date.

    Parental allowance and parental leave
    Parental allowance can be claimed from 60 days before the anticipated confinement date. Parental leave can be taken as a whole day, half day, quarter day or an eighth of a day.

    You are entitled to parental leave from seven weeks before your anticipated confinement date. You are also entitled to leave up until your child reaches the age of 18 months.

    Until a child is eight years of age, parents have the right to reduce their working hours by 25%.

    The right to parental leave is governed by the Swedish Act on Parental Leave (Föräldraledighetslagen). The law also stipulates that:

    • Both mothers and fathers have the right to leave
    • Adoptive parents are also covered by the law
    • To qualify for parental leave, you need to have been employed for at least six months, or to have worked for at least 12 months during the past two years
    • Leave can be taken as a single consecutive period or divided into separate periods
    • Leave can be taken with or without parental allowance
    A new father may take ten days’ leave with pay following the birth of a child, even if the mother is claiming parental allowance.

    Parental allowance gives parents the opportunity to stay away from work to look after their child for a maximum of 480 days. The allowance is based on eligible sick pay earnings (SGI). For 390 of these days, the allowance is 80% (up to a certain maximum level) of SGI. 90 days is paid at a certain basic level. For those with no SGI, a parental allowance can also be obtained at this basic level. Parents are each entitled to half the parental allowance, but one parent is allowed to transfer their half of the allowance to the other, with the exception of 60 days.

    Temporary parental allowance in the event of a child’s sickness
    Temporary parental allowance can be given to parents who stay at home to look after sick children under the age of 12. After 18 days, a doctor’s certificate is required.

    Child allowance and additional allowance for extra children
    If you have a child under the age of 16 you will receive a child allowance if the child is resident in Sweden. Once the child reaches the age of 16 the child allowance will stop and be replaced by extended child allowance if your child is still attending school. Extended child allowance is paid until the month the child finishes secondary school.
    If you have three or more children, you may be entitled to an additional allowance for extra children. Families may also be entitled to additional child allowance when children over 16 continue with their studies without any interruption.

    Maintenance support
    If you live with your child as a single parent, the child may be entitled to a maintenance allowance. The other parent will be expected to pay towards the child’s upkeep by paying a maintenance allowance. As parents you may agree the maintenance allowance for your child. If you are unable to reach agreement, the contribution will be fixed by a court.

    Sounds like a great country to live in if you want to stay at home with you babies the first few years.

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, November 10, 2009

    Good Crockpot recipe finder

    A friend passed this blogspot web site along my way and so I am passing it along YOUR way because I think it's great.  It should be very useful during the winter months. 
    Thanks Heidi!
    Mommy Bridget

    Monday, November 9, 2009

    Sweet Emotions...

    Perry: Tyler has quit Aerosmith
    Posted Nov. 9, 2009 -- Steven Tyler has left Aerosmith, according to the band's guitarist Joe Perry, who told the Las Vegas Sun on Nov. 6 that their frontman had quit.

    It's an end of not only an era, but old is Aerosmith?

    Mommy Bridget

    Thursday, November 5, 2009

    Surprising recyclable

    As my husband and I spoke about running shoes this morning while I pulled out pair after pair of the no longer good enough to use shoes, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed about all the extra shoe clutter I had formed.  But those darn shoes were so expensive that I hate to throw them in the trash.  But then, ironically, I came across an article this morning on about "recycling oddities" and to my surprise...guess what one of the oddities was.  Shoes!  So I took this as a sign and thought I would share. 

    Given their hefty price tag, you can bet that I run my running shoes into the ground before retiring them. But even worn out shoes can be recycled into building materials, or, if they still have some life in them, donated to the less fortunate. Check out the Website for shoe recycling facilities and organizations near you.

    If your old shoes are still in good shape, you can always donate them to those in need.

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, November 3, 2009

    Medical Cover-up

    I am really upset at the insistence by the CDC, medical doctors and the media that all pregnant women should be vaccinated by this experimental vaccine. The media repeats the manufacturers’ mantra that this vaccine is produced exactly like the seasonal flu, when in fact it is not. Yes, they use chicken eggs, but the rest has been fast tracked and many shortcuts on safety procedures have been allowed.
    Dr. Russell Blaylock
    Swine Flu--One of the Most Massive Cover-ups in American History

    I constantly find myself reading or hearing information that is speculative and written without neither real educated knowledge on a particular subject or has any scholarly peer reviews of the result findings.  It is annoying... to say the least.  And so I try to only post important information that I feel is worth reading and that can be viewed as the best sources out there on the subject.  This article posted by Dr. Mercola was very well done in that respect.  Dr. Russell Blaylock uses only the sources held in the highest regard in the scientific community.  If I were to ever recommend you read any of my many articles on the H1N1 virus, this would be the one.  It's a long read but very well worth it.
    Spread the word!

    Mommy Bridget

    Monday, November 2, 2009

    Retail Coupon Web site

    Hey!!!  I found a super cool web site when I was searching for prices for Park's Earth Mama Baby Angel butt balm...this stuff is the best btw!  Anyways, I was shopping around and found a webs site that gives you promotion codes for when shopping online.

    You should check it out.  I used it and saved 20% instantly.

    Mommy Bridget

    Mom Kicked Off Flight for Screaming Tot....What?!!!

    Southwest apologizes to mom kicked off flight

    2-year-old’s ‘Go! Plane! Go!’ and ‘I want Daddy’ screams too much for crew

    SAN JOSE, Calif. - A spokesman for Southwest Airlines says the carrier has apologized to a mother who was kicked off a plane along with her unruly 2-year-old earlier this week.
    Spokesman Chris Mainz said the airline called Pamela Root on Friday to apologize. He says Root also will receive a refund and a $300 travel voucher.
    The crew bounced Root and her son Adam off the San Jose-bound flight because passengers could not hear preflight safety announcements.

    Root says she was confident Adam's screams of "Go! Plane! Go!" and "I want Daddy!" would subside after the plane took off Monday in Amarillo, Texas.
    The 38-year-old mom said she hoped to be compensated for the portable crib and diapers she had to buy for the extra night away from home.
    Associated Press 2009

    Simple Home Protection against Home Invasion

    Good idea, I never thought of this.

    A worthy idea to pass on to all of you.

    What to take to bed with you - not a joke.

    Put your car keys beside your bed at night

    Tell your spouse, your children, your neighbors, your parents, your Dr's office, the check-out girl at the market, everyone you run across. Put your car keys beside your bed at night.

    If you hear a noise outside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press the panic button for your car. The alarm will be set off, and the horn will continue to sound until either you turn it off or the car battery dies.

    This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator. Next time you come home for the night and you start to put your keys away, think of this:
    It's a security alarm system that you probably already have and requires no installation. Test it.
    It will go off from most everywhere inside your house and will keep honking until your battery runs down or until you reset it with the button on the key fob chain.....
    It works if you park in your driveway or garage. If your car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break into your house, odds are the burglar/rapist won't stick around.

    After a few seconds all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and sure enough the criminal won't want that.

    And remember to carry your keys while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there.. This is something that should really be shared with everyone. Maybe it could save a life or a sexual abuse crime.

    P.S. I am sending this to everyone I know because I think it is fantastic.
    Would also be useful for any emergency, such as a heart attack, where you can't reach a phone. My Mom has suggested to my Dad that he carry his car keys with him in case he falls outside and she doesn't hear him. He can activate the car alarm and then she'll know there's a problem.
    Please pass this on even IF you've read it before. It's a reminder.

    Thanks Gina for the forwarded idea...

    Mommy Bridget

    Friday, October 30, 2009

    No More Junk Mail

    I don't know about you but I receive junk mail DAILY.  I hate it!  I think about all the trees used to produce all the paper for these daily mailings and although it goes directly into our recycling bin, it takes energy to recycle it all over again.  When did I sign up for this?  

    Did you know:

    Basic Facts

    • The majority of household waste consists of unsolicited mail.
    • 100 million trees are ground up each year for unsolicited mail.
    • It wastes 28 billion gallons of water for paper processing each year.
    • More than half of unsolicited mail is discarded unread or unopened; the response rate is less than 2%.
    • The result is more than 4 million tons of paper waste each year.
    • It is difficult to recycle, as the inks have high concentrations of heavy metals.
    • $320 million of local taxes are used to dispose of unsolicited mail each year.
    • It costs $550 million yearly to transport junk mail.
    • Scarce landfill space disfigures rural areas and pollutes ground water.
    • We each get about 40 pounds of junk mail a year, more than a tree's worth per family!
    Here are some fast facts on junkmail waste by the Native Forest Network.
    There is something you can do about it.  Go to or to learn more about what you can do to stop the mail coming to your mailbox.  It takes 5 min. of your time and is well worth it!

    Mommy Bridget

    Thursday, October 29, 2009

    Fertility Woes

    I came across an article this morning about infertility and thought it would be beneficial for those of you struggling to conceive and/or struggling to keep a baby growing inside...this would be very useful and give you more hope that you can take control of the situation by making simple changes.  I actually thought about this yesterday as I read about toxins in our bodies.  While some toxins have very little to no affect on one individual that same toxin, in combination with another individual's DNA, physical condition, or an environmental factor can wreak havoc on their body and their ability to conceive. 

    Looking back, I remember how sick I felt the first 3 months of pregnancy.  This sickness was due to the enourmous amount of vitamins and nutrients my growing placenta needed in order to grow to where it needed to be to grow a baby.  The placental growth pulls everything it possibly can from the rest of a woman's body...hence the increase of teeth cavities, change of skin and hair, and the nausea.  If those nutrients aren't there for which the placenta to pull from, it will know it cannot safely grow a baby.  It's amazing how our organs make decisions such as that!  Our bodies really do amazing things...

    So if you are struggling with infertility, or any other ailment you cannot "fix"...try starting out with the basics.  Like I always say, the simplist answer is usually the right answer!

    Since this article is so long, I will copy only an excerpt.  To view the entire link, click on my title or copy and paste the link below:

    10 Strategies You Can Immediately Implement to Treat Infertility and Boost Fertility Naturally
    The natural approach to treating infertility solves the root causes of infertility, by addressing all body systems, rather than just focusing solely on the reproductive system.
    Many couples who can’t become pregnant suffer from a combination of sub-clinical conditions. These conditions can’t cause infertility on their own but -- in combination -- they can substantially reduce a couple’s probability of conceiving.
    For example; a gluten intolerance alone cannot cause infertility; however, the resulting inflammation in the gut can minimize your nutrient absorption and lead to deficiencies in nutrients you need for optimal sperm, egg and hormone production and a healthy pregnancy. Exposure to heavy metals, radiation, and toxic chemicals in some foods, drugs and other products can damage DNA. Recent Nutrigenomic (a study of the effects of nutrients on gene expression) research suggests what we eat can influence our gene structure and expression.


    Keene, I. 2008, “Natural Fertility Prescription”, Switzerland.
    Written by:

    Iva Keene is the author of the Natural Fertility Prescription; a home study course that walks you through 7 steps to optimal fertility. Iva’s Web site, , an invaluable resource for couples wanting to get pregnant, offers dozens of tips for boosting fertility naturally and addressing infertility conditions.

    Mommy Bridget

    Wednesday, October 28, 2009

    Nursing giggles

    Why is it that everytime I breastfeed my son, he smiles and giggles the entire time?  I swear the wee ones breastfeeding must be getting some hormone released into their body just as the mothers do...either that or I am just nursing a boy!

    Mommy Bridget

    Suburban Housewife

    And the mommies shall be singin'...

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, October 27, 2009

    H1N1 Update

    I recommend clicking on the title to this posting for an update on the truth about H1N1.
    Below is an excerpt (from Dr. Mercola):

    The CBS investigative report included state-by-state test results that revealed some VERY different facts from what the US Centers for Disease Control has been telling the American public.
    The CBS report found that H1N1 flu cases are NOT AT ALL as prevalent as feared. A CBS article even states:
    "If you've been diagnosed "probable" or "presumed" 2009 H1N1 or "swine flu" in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn't have H1N1 flu.

    In fact, you probably didn't have the flu at all.

    The results reveal a pattern that surprised a number of health care professionals we consulted. The vast majority of cases were negative for H1N1 as well as seasonal flu, despite the fact that many states were specifically testing patients deemed to be most likely to have H1N1 flu, based on symptoms and risk factors, such as travel to Mexico."
    In most states the percentages ranged from 83 to 98 percent NOT BEING H1N1 or influenza. 


    Mommy Bridget

    Monday, October 26, 2009

    Weekend Savings

    Just wanted to boast...I saved $35 this weekend in coupons savings.  For things we needed!!! 
    Gotta love the coupon resources, Whole Foods, and especially SuperTarget!!!
    Mommy Bridget

    Saturday, October 24, 2009

    H1N1 Improbable

    A three-month-long investigation by CBS News, released earlier this week that  included state-by-state test results, revealed some very different facts. The CBS study found that H1N1 flu cases are NOT as prevalent as feared. A CBS article even states:
    "If you've been diagnosed "probable" or "presumed" 2009 H1N1 or "swine flu" in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn't have H1N1 flu. In fact, you probably didn't have flu at all."

    Mommy Bridget

    Friday, October 23, 2009

    Vitamin D to the Rescue

    Wow Vitamin D is important for our health and well being. I've heard information about it here and there but in researching it myself, I am truly convinced. Click on this posting title to a link about its importance or copy and paste the link below into your web browser.

    Thank you Dr. Mercola for your sincere concern in our health!

    Mommy Bridget

    Cudos to the Many

    I woke up to feeling obliged to quote a paragraph from a book borrowed to me (thank you AGAIN Jess). There are so many wonderful mothers out there. But so many of those same people cross judgment on one another. It's unnecessary, it's unwanted, and it's caused purely from insecurities. And so I believe this excerpt will be a valuable reminder of who we are as mothers, as individuals, and the amazing possibilities we have right in front of us if we only would let go of the insecurities we face and be who we truly are.

    The saddest part of life lies not in the act of dying, but in failing to truly live while we are alive. Too many of us play small with our lives, never letting the fullness of our humanity see the light of day. I've learned that what really counts in life, in the end, is not how many toys we've collected or how much money we've accumulated, but how many of our talents we've liberated and used for a purpose that adds value to this world. What truly matters most are the lives we've touched and the legacy that we've left.

    Family Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
    Robin Sharma

    Thursday, October 22, 2009

    8 Easy Ways to Save Money in Your Home

    Below are 8 easy ways to not only save money on your utility bills but also to reduce carbon emissions.

    1. Reduce temperature this winter by 2 degrees during the day and 10 degrees when you are away for the day or during the night.

    2. Wash all laundry in cold (with the exception of bedding). About 90% of energy used during laundry cycles goes to heating the water.

    3. Recycle your old refrigerator. The old refrigerators use up the majority of electricity out of all appliances, especially the older models. Replace it with an energy efficient model which not only eliminates energy used but you can also get a rebate from your local energy companies with the purchase. Some also pick up your old refrigerator at no cost and send you a check in the mail for recycling it. Talk about a no brainer!

    4. Switch out current light bulbs with the 6-year fluorescent bulbs. They consume 25% of electricity compared to the regular bulbs and last up to 12 times longer.

    5. Switch off electronics when not in use. That cell phone charger always plugged in to the outlet, whether charging the phone or not, is still pulling electricity out. You can also unplug the toaster, microwave, DVD player...even though they are not in use they still are idling therefore using power.

    6. Adjust your water heater temperature to 120 degrees.

    7. While running your dishwasher, be sure to have a full load, skip the pre-rinse cycle (I always run mine on a short cycle which still lasts an hour plus) and air dry.

    8. Install a low flow showerhead and low flow faucet heads. These are very inexpensive and can reduce up to 370 pounds of emissions/year plus save on your heat and water bills.

    These are very easy ways to reduce our monthly bills and reduce our carbon footprint. You can also go to your local utility company web sites for more ways to reduce bills and for rebate offers on purchasing energy efficient appliances and recycling programs.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Mommy Bridget

    Wednesday, October 21, 2009

    60 Minutes Reports on the H1N1 epidemic

    I apreciate good journalism so I thought you might too...especially during the wake of daily reports of "H1N1".

    While watching this video clip, ask yourself the question..."why is the government, the CDC, and the media giving this flu strain so much attention when it's no different than any other flu?"

    Now ask yourself who would benefit from this attention.

    The answer stares you directly in the face.

    Watch CBS News Videos Online
    My postings may be becoming redundant but I hear daily more and more people I know are "diagnosed" with the H1N1 flu.  People are scared.  And so I feel obligated as a mother, as a caregiver, to give peace of mind to all of you.  Just like any other flu, the statistics of suffering to the extent of needing hospitalization is equally the same as any flu any year. I feel terrible for those who suffer this year from the flu..  

    But how do we know the risks involved with the H1n1 vaccine when it was just FDA approved? Are the risks greater getting the vaccine than not and possibly getting H1N1 this year?

    Mommy Bridget

    Monday, October 19, 2009

    Protecting your Credit

    In the wake of difficult economic times for most Americans, it is important to take more precautions with your personal identity and credit.  I ran across this blogger article this morning and after getting my free credit report last night for the first time in 2 years, thought it is an important reminder for everyone.

    Click on the title of my link for a horror story involving identity theft...and family.

    You can go to for an up-to-date summary of your credit.

    Be proactive and protect yourself before it's too late!

    Mommy Bridget

    Sunday, October 18, 2009


    My Mom sent me a catalog of the cutest clothes for babes, tots, and kids.  Their clothes are totally unique, made in Africa to support local job creation, and many proceeds are given to disadvantaged children through 'Keedo Cares' Projects.  They also use many organic cottons for those of you who love the organic products and textures.


    Mommy Bridget

    Saturday, October 17, 2009

    Mercury Rising

    My son woke up at 4:30am again this morning....let him cry himself back to sleep which never happened.  The good news is the entire house got to listen to him scream for and hour and a half until I went in and got him.

    Second day this week.

    So being especially angry this morning, I will rant on the obsurdity of the H1N1 hype:

    In pushing this vaccine forward, Washington suspended mercury restrictions in the flu vaccine.  Mercury has been used as a preservative in vaccines for years until it was found to cause serious neurological disorders and has been linked to autism.

    While the public assumes mercury in Thimerasol has been removed from has not.

    People!  Hello!!!  Anybody in there???  This is much more dangerous than getting the flu.  But if you want to give in to all the media hype and harm your body while putting more cash in the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies... be my guest.

    Do your homework.

    Mommy Bridget

    Thursday, October 15, 2009

    Media Overdone

    Today's headline on our news channel said 3 dead in Utah from the Swine Flu, 126 confirmed cases in Utah of the Swine flu or the seasonal flu.

    I wonder if anyone really thinks about the confirmed cases of the seasonal flu but only that it COULD be the swine flu???

    The media has taken over our minds...ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh and here's one for ya this morning... a friend from back home received a letter in the mail a few days ago from the local hospital stating that she is going to have to bring her 6 mo. old back for another flu vaccine.  Apparently the original vaccine given wasn't "kept at the proper temperature". 

    Drink that in with your morning coffee!!!

    Mommy Bridget

    Wednesday, October 14, 2009

    Adult Acne ugh!

    Growing up I was blessed with good skin.  No really, I can count the number of those icky blemishes I got as a teenager on one hand.  After my teenage years, I assumed I was clear of the side affects of hormones from puberty.  I assumed wrong.

    Before I new I was preggo, I noticed the skin on my face had a new "shine" to it.  Everytime I glanced in the mirror it looked and felt as though I had 5 layers of oily makeup on.  So I began a stricter regimen of washing my face twice a day versus once.  Nothing changed.  It became worse.  Then the scary news...I was pregnant.

    As my body began to explode in every which direction, my face began to break out.  "I loved my skin when I was pregnant" was all I ever heard.  "Pregnant women have a beautiful glow".  Ya right...I was glowing so much you could see your reflection on my face!  It was gross.

    But I was pregnant.  There was nothing I could do about my newfound sheen.  And the acne on my face was nothing of importance in comparison to the wonder growing in my belly, so I sucked it up "knowing" that it would clear after the baby was out.  WRONG!

    17 months later, although the clear shine on my face is now gone...I've been left with small bouts of adult acne.  And it's wonderful.  I guess it's a (very) small price we pay for motherhood.

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    Sniffle Sniffle

    As my son woke up yesterday with a low-grade fever, a cough, and the sniffles...I tried to think back to WHO Park was around that could have passed on the cold his way.  In the past, whenever I was feeling the cold lurking in my body or saw the same in my son, I always forewarned anyone who might come our way.  Am I wrong in thinking that bringing your germs into our home without warning or so much as a concern is utterly rude? I guess some people are too wrapped up in their own lives that they don't bother to think about how it affects those around them.  (and depending on the virus type, exposing children to one of the many cold viruses does NOT necessarily "boost" their immune system...  it can suppress it by further decreasing its ability to fight off other viruses)  Nonetheless, he could have gotten the cold virus from anywhere!

    And since it's a virus that the two of us are trying to fight off, there is no sense in going to the doctor because there is no "cure" for the common cold.  Fortunately, I was recommended a handful of years ago (thanks Jen) a great natural remedy and since then, a have only had a few short lived colds during that time.  See below:

    • put 10 drops eucalyptus essential oil and 5 drops tea tree oil into a humidifier during sleep time
    • I also put drops in the shower while I am in there and I breathe deep

    I have done this for my 17 mo. old for the 3 colds he has had in his life and none of the viruses ever made it past a few days in his system.  The essential oils have anti fungal and antibacterial properties.  Gotta love the simplest and natural methods when dealing with our bodies!  If a cold befalls you this season, I really recommend trying this method.  Good luck!

    Mommy Bridget

    ps  oh and Mom, don't forget to fill that humidifier for Dad today:)

    Monday, October 12, 2009

    Mommy Stress Relief

    Stress comes in all different signs from constant fatigue to mood disorders to change in appetite, weight gain or weight loss, you name it!.  We all exhibit stress in a variety of ways and being a Mommy is no different.  I'm not saying that motherhood is all stress, but I am saying that at times it is not a piece of cake.  (although I have to say that as Park as gotten older I find it much much less stressful)  All you Mommies that told me time and time again that the first year is tough but that it gets much better after that were SO right!!!  And to all of you that are in your first year and are having a tough time coping with sleeplessness and stress from the demands of does get better!  And before you know it, you will be wanting to do it all over again!

    Anyways, I came across some valuable information for dealing with stress.  Being the type of individual who likes to constantly be busy, I found that motherhood and all the other things I wanted to do at the same time really don't mix.  I can't tell you how many times a day I had to tell myself to relax, the gardening or the house cleaning or reading a book or work with my Dad can wait.  There is no better time than RIGHT NOW to envelope myself in my child's life and in order to be at my best for my child, I need to reduce my self induced stress.  So here is how you accomplish just that:

    • take stress relief seriously!  Stress takes years off our lives.  Not enough rest can lead to a stressed out body which can induce heart problems as well as other ailments.  Day to day stress is bad for your heart; it causes the adrenal glands to pump out cortisol, a hormone that pushes up blood pressure and strains the heart and blood vessels.  I don't want to die of a stress heart attack in 20 years because I couldn't relax.
    • only have one body during this lifetime so why not take care of it?  Eat healthy, exercise regularly, rest, and laugh!
    • exercise, yoga, tai-chi, and meditation are just a few ways to help reduce stress and can lower blood pressure significantly
    • find a primary health care physician (versus getting all your check-ups from you OB/GYN) and get regular physicals and a full blood work up to help manage your heart health and other related issues
    Remember:  Your stress health has a great impact on your child's well-being

    Have a nice stress free day!

    Mommy Bridget

    Sunday, October 11, 2009

    Please watch if you are considering the flu vaccine for your children

    Just Say No to Drano

    After dealing with a clogged shower drain more times than I want to speak about, I thought I would offer some good advice when caring for and treating the nasty issue:

    Instead of opting for a toxic product to treat your drain clog, try something natural and more effective.  Pour a cup of baking soda, followed by a cup of white vinegar down your drain.  Plug the opening with a cleaning rag and let the bubbles from the mixture work through the clog.  After 5 minutes, rinse with hot water.  Repeat if necessary.

    No need to put harmful products down your drain and into our water system not to mention pay for such a product.  Vinegar is so inexpensive and such a great all-purpose cleaner.

    Breath Easy and Enjoy!

    Mommy Bridget

    Friday, October 9, 2009

    Cell Phone Use Linked to Brain Tumors

    Worth the read!

    Mommy Bridget

    Click on the title to this post or copy and paste the link below:

    Monday, October 5, 2009

    The Motherly Bond

    I find it interesting the variety of views from mothers of impressions they want to make upon their children.  Some believe to be a good mother, one must strictly breast feed (no bottles).  Or some believe that to be a good mother, one must always choose what their pediatrician advises (hello mothers, we have a choice!)  Others believe that to be a good mother, one must be fruitful and multiply while some believe less is better.  Quality vs. quantity or stay at home mothers vs. career mothers?  Pacifiers or no pacifiers?  Play groups or no play groups?  Babysitters or no babysitters?  The ideas and perceptions are endless.

    What I want to know is...what is so difficult about being the best mother you believe you can be to your children AND have a different view about what is the best for your children than other moms?    Mothers are too judgemental on one another.  But why?  Sometimes I think that the source or root of most judgements are based on personal insecurities.  "That mother doesn't vaccinate their child, she is NOT a good mother."  Well maybe the woman judging secretly worries about vaccine safety.  What is so difficult about NOT judging and respecting other's choices?  After all, how many mothers do YOU know that wish to not give their children everything in the world or wish to make choices that negatively affect their children's lives?  For me, none.  Do I judge for the differences in parenting?  To be honest...sometimes.  But I force myself to quickly reconnect with reality.  Everyone's views are different.  Reality is that most families cannot survive with only one income or some supermommies have no choice because they ARE the only parents! 

    We as women have survived hundreds of thousands of years supporting one another and caring for one another's offspring.  There was no such thing as one mom, one dad and their babies surviving solely with each other.  Women have always stuck together...nurturing their babies together and nurturing the bond that allowed women and children to survive and that have come to BE.

    I have had the pleasure to be supported during my difficult times of raising my little one by other mommies and I can honestly say I'm not sure how I could have gotten through it without them.  I hope that by me lending a helping hand others can say the same thing about me.  I truly believe in the healthy unit of mommies.  Support and encouragement without judgment is the best way.

    Mommy Bridget

    p.s. off to gain support from what I hear an amazing midwife then off to give support to a busy mommy in need

    Mommy Bridget

    Saturday, October 3, 2009

    In response to "The Male Brain: What's Really Going On in There"

    In response to the article below, can't we just give up the mumbo jumbo and say, "not a whole hell of a lot at one time"? (Note that a woman wrote the investigative article). OR, let me help Ms. Mithers answer the question by saying that what is REALLY going on in a male's brain is sex, big machines, and male-male competition.

    The Male Brain: What's Really Going On in There

    Is he truly incapable of putting down the toilet seat? Can he really have passionate sex and not even think about calling you again? We go exploring for answers.

    By Carol Mithers

    The more science learns about how men are different from us (right down to the structure of their brains), the more we find ourselves hoping it will finally explain some age-old mysteries. For instance:

    Why do men keep their cars spotless but live like pigs at home—while for women it's the other way around?

    According to Simon Baron-Cohen, Ph.D., author of The Essential Difference: Male and Female Brains and the Truth About Autism, men's neurological wiring tends to make them better at systems, while women are superiorly rigged for empathy. Which could help explain why — although the culture is changing — guys still take such pride in their machines, while women often care more about maintaining a clean home.

    Another clue comes from a 2007 study (conducted for BMW by a British team that included Oxford psychologists), which found that male drivers actually view their cars as extensions of themselves. Women, whose self-image is tied more directly to their bodies, are likely to think of their vehicles as separate entities, the authors suggest. But because men are less tuned-in to their bodies, they easily project their identity onto an object. If only that object were a sink full of dirty dishes.

    Why do men like to watch violent sports, while a good number of women would rather do almost anything else?

    The truth is, football has a lot of female fans (44.3 million women watched the 2009 Super Bowl, for example). But guys are drawn to football (and boxing and wrestling) in ways that women aren't. Men tend to be more aggressive, says Lucy L. Brown, Ph.D., a professor in the departments of neurology and neuroscience at Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. The difference likely involves hormones (like testosterone) and sensitivities to those hormones in parts of the brain such as the hypothalamus — which, in animals, is associated with aggression. Fine, but does he really have to shriek "Kill him!" when the other team's quarterback is about to get sacked? Yes, he does: If you're a guy, watching your team win increases testosterone levels, according to a 1998 study in Physiology & Behavior. Viewing combative sports also helps men identify with traditional ideals of masculinity like domination, risk taking, and competition, explains Douglas Hartmann, PhD, associate professor of sociology at the University of Minnesota. "In fact," he says, "the less physically competitive his daily life is, the more sports can become a means toward achieving those ideals, at least in his mind."

    Why can a man enthusiastically (very enthusiastically) sleep with a woman he knows he'll never see again?

    Well, there's the old Evolution Did It theory: Men are hardwired to spread their seed; women, to find a mate who will protect the children she may bear. Physical differences may play a role, too. According to Lisa Diamond, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychology and gender studies at the University of Utah, not only do female rats have more extensive brain circuits for oxytocin — which helps mammals to bond — than males but in humans, women show greater release of the neurochemical during sex (especially orgasm) than men.

    Also, biological anthropologist and Rutgers University professor Helen Fisher, Ph.D., notes: "The two brain hemispheres are less well connected in men than in women. This gives men the ability to focus on one thing at a time and be very goal oriented, whereas the female brain is built to assimilate many feelings at once, and to connect sex and love much more rapidly." Interesting, plausible theories all, but Lucy Brown cautions that we're still really just guessing. And in the end, the fact that men forever remain a bit of a mystery may be part of what keeps us intrigued.

    Friday, October 2, 2009

    Just the Facts of the H1N1 Vaccine...Not the Hype

    Below is part of a new blog post from Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-founder and President of the Vaccine Information Center. I know my postings on the Swine Flu Vaccine are becoming redundant, but the hype in our country is spreading at an alarming rate and the flu is clearly not understood.

    Here is just an excerpt:

    Just the Facts, Not the Hype

    So, here are the facts:

    * The new swine influenza is mild for most people even though a small number have developed complications and died.

    * The swine flu vaccine has been tested for only a few weeks on a few thousand healthy children and adults, including very few pregnant women. We don't know how safe it really is for pregnant women or children and adults with chronic illness even though they are being specially targeted for vaccination by government health officials.

    * There is very little information about how safe it is to give swine flu vaccine with other vaccines, including seasonal influenza vaccine.

    * There is very little information about whether the swine flu shot will keep you from getting swine flu.

    You can read more at or click on the title of this post.

    Get informed...
    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, September 29, 2009

    Pacifier Use

    As Park rummaged through his toy basket yesterday, he came across one of many pacifiers I tried so diligently throughout his first year to take but never did so. He picked it up, looked at it for a minute, then popped it into his mouth.

    At 16 months old...Go figure.

    I was asked the other day to write about pacifier use in toddlers. As many opinions see it and in my opinion, usage should be eliminated by such age. But is there a proper age in which the pacifier should be taken away?

    My son never took to the pacifier for comfort. He only took me. I didn't mind it at first but after the first few months, I realized I was never going to be able to do anything or sleep for that matter if he continued to pacify on me all the time. I tried many maneuvers at getting him to unlatch and stay soothed. I tried MANY different brands, styles, and colors of pacifiers and those never worked either. So I finally gave up. And so the pacifier became just another toy in his toy basket.

    I have seen children 3-4 years of age still dependent upon the pacifier for soothing when sick or taking a nap or for bedtime. Isn't this too old? According to a report/study that appeared in the January/February 2007 issue of General Dentistry, the Academy of General Dentistry's (AGD) clinical, peer-reviewed journal,
    Pacifier use often attracts negative attention for potentially harming children's oral health. There are positive effects of pacifier use, however. In addition to calming the infant, pacifier use can also assist in reducing the incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS. However, I can't help but notice the effects pacifier use has on the shape of toddlers teeth as well as their bite. Maybe this isn't a problem since toddler teeth are not permanent.

    Still, why do 3 and 4 year old children need pacifiers? What is so hard about not having something stuck in their mouth? And how are they ever going to learn speech at a normal age if they are still using pacifiers? It doesn't take a genius to figure out there are other ways to soothe our little ones who are past the infant stage of life.

    Mommy Bridget

    Saturday, September 26, 2009

    Flouride or no flouride? That is the question of the day...

    I came across an article by Dr. Mercola the other day speaking about the dangers of flouride and dental health. This is a controversy that I wish I knew the answer to. I have been unfortunate in my life to have multiple dental issues so my dentist pushes the flouride which I so routinely use. But is flouride really helping my dental health or could it cause more serious issues down the road?

    As my son began popping his teeth one after the other, I couldn't help but worry that he..god forbid...would inherit my dental genes. I began brushing those little guys every night and now at 16 months, twice per day. And since I have always religiously taken good care of my teeth and still continue to have problems, does this mean Park's teeth are still doomed to destruct? When do I begin a flouride paste? DO I give him flouride at all?

    Mommy Bridget

    p.s. 2 peaceful nights sleep with an adamant routine makes for a happy baby and happy MOM!!!