Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mother comes back to life for baby

This is such a great story about the infant-mother-father bond.  Click on my title for the rest of the story.

Mother, baby revived after dying in labor

Doctors baffled by mom’s cardiac arrest, recovery after Christmas Eve birth

updated 5:08 a.m. PT, Wed., Dec . 30, 2009
DENVER - Mike Hermanstorfer was clutching his pregnant wife’s hand when her life slipped away in a Colorado hospital on Christmas Eve, and then he cradled his newborn son’s limp body seconds after a medical team delivered the baby by Cesarean section.
Minutes later he saw his son come to life in his arms under the feverish attention of doctors, and soon he learned his wife had inexplicably come back to life.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Sugar Sweeteners

There is so much speculation in sugar substitutes so I thought I would delve in to the topic and do a little research of my own.  Here is what I found:

  • switching from white sugar to brown sugar adds iron to your diet (based on the addition of molasses)
  • sucralose, which is derived from common table sugar, has zero calories BUT has many speculating it's toxicity and safety for consumption
  • xylitol is a natural sugar derived from fruit and vegetables and has 40% less calories than regular sugar...also MAY prevent tooth decay, most information I found shows little side effects 
  • saccharin...I would say don't use...too toxic
  • aspartame is bad, very bad
  • stevia I would say is safer than the FDA's been around for thousands of years and is a better alternative to regular sugar
So in conclusion, I would say that sugar substitutes are not all bad but maybe eating less sugar is the best alternative:) 

Mommy Bridget

    The Driving Mrs.

    Just a little stats for your pleasure:

    Traffic Violations Men Versus Women by

    Traffic violations:
    ViolationsViolation ratio, males vs. females
    Reckless driving
    Seat belt violations
    Failure to yield
    Stop sign/signal violations

    Saturday, December 26, 2009

    Merry Merry Christmas

    Sorry I'm a little late...had the holiday flu blues but now I'm back in action.  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas...

    Mommy Bridget

    Thursday, December 24, 2009

    Health Care Reform Bill Passes House

    Okay okay, I know that there is good and bad to this historic universal healthcare reform bill that recently passed the house this morning but may I just say...

    I am thrilled and honored to be a part of this historic piece of US history!  I commend Barack Obama for actually doing something about the US healthcare debacle and whether or not this is the right choice, at least it is a change from the current status and it gives me hope in the individual we have chosen to lead our country who makes the changes we have so long cried out for.
    Sick: The Untold Story of America's Health Care Crisis---and the People Who Pay the Price

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, December 22, 2009

    Snow Day

    We have snow a coming our way...we now have a break from the bad air.  What a wonderful day!!!
    Mommy Bridget

    Monday, December 21, 2009

    Bad Air, Go Away!

    Has anyone been outside in Salt Lake the past few days and seen the air?  Disgusting.  I knew this past week it was coming...the forecast predicted it, my chest was beginning to feel tight, and the air appeared mucky more and more each day.  But yesterday as I drove a quick errand, the air appeared in a worse of state as ever.

    Pulling out of my driveway, it looked overcast and dreary.  But as I headed west through the roads, the air was congestive.  A thick fog descended onto the car holding my healthy family and our eyes grew wide.  I have never seen anything like it.  It was very depressing to say...THE LEAST.

    My nose has been running for the past few days, my running has been postponed, and my son has had to do with play indoors.  When are we going to take the state of our environment seriously?  Why are plants emitting SO2 continuing to run?  How about enforcing stricker guidlines for emissions for vehicles in use or energy plants running 24/7 not only here in Salt Lake but in areas such as LA that release the most emissions into the air that leads to Salt Lake and eastward?  There are so many simple steps to reduce our emissions into the air we breathe.

    It's got to stop!  Please support me in taking action to clean the air our children breathe.  Go to and join the group, voice your opinion, and educate yourself. 

    Thank you,

    Mommy Bridget

    p.s. Jess, we look forward to heading up your way this morning for some fresh mountain air and good company:)

    Thursday, December 17, 2009

    Repower America

    If you have time and care about cleaner energy, please check out

    Use your voice!

    Mommy Bridget

    Added benefit to "greening" your home

    Did you know that there is government financing available for those of you who want to make energy saving home improvements?  How cool is that!

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, December 15, 2009

    Breastmilk reduces risk of child developing hypertention later in life

    For moms of newborns. Studies have shown that babies who are breast­fed for more than 12 months have a dramatically reduced risk of de­velop­ing hypertension. Researchers believe long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (the same found in fatty fish) in breast milk provide a protective ef­fect for newborns.

    [21], Lack of Breastfeeding in Infancy Linked to High Blood Pressure as an Adult, (Accessed 9/28/08)

    Very cool!  I hope that in continuing breastfeeding my son will protect him from this and so much more...

    Mommy Bridget

    Baking Soda to the Rescue!

    I found some interesting information on the value of Sodium Bicarbonate...or Baking Soda!  Information shows that it can help with colds, flus, and even cancer!

    Crazy or not so crazy?

    Mommy Bridget

    Sunday, December 13, 2009


    A friend passed this web site along to me yesterday and thought I would pass it along to you.  I searched through it for a few minutes and found it to be a great source.  You can buy and sell used baby/kid items as well as find a local nanny or mother's helper with profiles, background checks, and pricing.

    Check out the web site at the link below or click on the title of this posting:

    Mommy Bridget

    Saturday, December 12, 2009

    "Former Alaska governor says Obama should boycott Copenhagen summit"

    In regards to Sarah Palin's message in the Wednesday issue of the Washington Daily Post, I would like to extend to her my very public opinion by saying I now view her as an ignorant, absent minded not to mention typical lazy American.

    Thanks for helping me make my mind on whether or not I respect you for what you do for our country and our earth!

    Mommy Bridget

    Friday, December 11, 2009

    Kids Clothing Company

    While Christmas shopping at Fashion Place Mall in Salt Lake I came across a kiosk selling super cute children's clothing worth mentioning.

    It's called the Persnickity Clothing Company and the clothes are made locally in Provo.  And even better, for every piece of clothing purchased they donate an item to a child in need.

    Check them out at

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, December 8, 2009

    Snowy Sniffles

    I found a great web site that references power foods and their ORAC values.  Since traveling over the weekend, my son and I both have a bit of a cold virus and since what we eat plays a vital role in where this virus will go, I thought it relevant to search the foods that will aid in fighting it.

    Did you know that eating sugar and grains can fuel viruses and plays more havoc on your immune system?  I didn't and just found it out in one of Dr. Mercola's articles (of course).  So I guess all the lollipops I bribed my son with on the plane probably wasn't the best choice:)

    Have a wonderful (snowy if in Utah) day!  It's dumping powdery snow here and it's beautiful!  Perfect day for holiday decorating!!!

    Mommy Bridget

    Tuesday, December 1, 2009

    Cosmetics cause an increase of cancer

    And yet we find another product on the market shelves that has shown to cause cancer...

    County Health Concerns for my Child?

    I received a courteous call on my cell phone yesterday regarding my was from the Salt Lake County health dept. calling to "remind" me that my son's record doesn't show that he is "current" on his vaccinations.

    I wonder who paid for this "courteous" call? 

    Not surprised,
    Mommy Bridget